Wednesday, 7 July 2010

My favourite magazine

Love this magazine for celebrity gossip & fashion tips.

Let know your favourites!


  1. Look is definitely the best magazine for satisfying the fashion monster, particularly because its out every week unlike my other favourite magazine...american vogue (nope not the british one), which is really expensive (and has really expensive things in it) and out only once a month so thats why its going to be my birthday present this year, double win as I'm going to actually get fun mail once a month now (and not just notifications from specsavers...)! ba ps.hooray for a fashion blog!

  2. Hi LoveInTokyos, thanks so much for your comment.
    I absolutely agree, American Vogue is the fashion bible-I also can't afford it though, and all the amazing expensive things in it that I can't buy just depress me! Fabulous to look through it and dream...and keep up to date with all the high fashion trends at the same time. It's gonna be such a great birthday present, a brilliant treat coming in the letterbox every month (I too only have reminders that I need an eye test haha)! Enjoy & hooray for fun mail & fashion! :)
    Rachel xxx
