We've all been there. You've followed the protocol to a T, you've made sure you've bought all the reagents from the exact same suppliers, you've tried it at different temperatures, for different time periods, even gotten other students/lab staff to look over what you're doing coz you're fearful that you're losing your mind. Troublesome experiments are easily the worst part of working in a lab. It's unbelieveably frustrating when it just will not go right, especially when you know you're doing everything in your power to ensure that it does!
The best advice I can give is try to keep your head up, we've ALL been there, some of us more than others, but there's no one who has done a PhD or who's working in a lab now that will tell you it's plain sailing, and if they do it's a big fat fib. If possible, talk to your peers or supervisors as much as you can, having support of others is essential, helpful tips and even an ear to moan in can make all the difference sometimes. Read lots of papers or try to get information on protocols online. Try not to get overwhelmed or stuck doing the same thing over and over, it's great to have side projects to turn to when things aren't working. Take a break from it completely for a few days, don't think about it, look at it or research it at all, sometimes a fresh look at things can make a big difference. And if all else fails, just go shopping instead! ;)
Share your tips on surviving the bad times in labs here; any advice for us scientists when we're struggling to make things work will be much appreciated!
Rachel xxx