It's not always possible to combine science & fashion at the same time...however, yesterday I got a little carried away when I was looking for an academic year diary & bought a filofax!
I was surprised at how many colours & styles there are, I got a red personal sized one for €16.99 which I think is pretty good value. There were others there including a beautiful purple leather one that was €75, but I couldn't justify spending that much (yet!).
So this has to be my most sensible buy in a long time-it looks cool, it'll help me to organise my days & stay on top of what I need to do week in week out in the lab, plus it looks cute & professional in my handbag! It's a win all round :)
As one of the girls in the lab pointed out to me though, filofaxes & diaries are a bit out of date now, since we all use email & have smartphones. This is true, but I kind of like the old fashioned feel of writing something down, plus it'll stop me getting distracted by facebook & twitter-which inevitably happens as soon as I go online or turn my phone on!
Does anyone else use a filofax? What's the nicest/most fashionable one you've seen? I have my eye on the black patent leather one (picture below)...very chic.
Rachel xxx