Thursday, 30 September 2010

Being Stylishly Organised

It's not always possible to combine science & fashion at the same time...however, yesterday I got a little carried away when I was looking for an academic year diary & bought a filofax!
I was surprised at how many colours & styles there are, I got a red personal sized one for €16.99 which I think is pretty good value. There were others there including a beautiful purple leather one that was €75, but I couldn't justify spending that much (yet!).
So this has to be my most sensible buy in a long time-it looks cool, it'll help me to organise my days & stay on top of what I need to do week in week out in the lab, plus it looks cute & professional in my handbag! It's a win all round :)

As one of the girls in the lab pointed out to me though, filofaxes & diaries are a bit out of date now, since we all use email & have smartphones. This is true, but I kind of like the old fashioned feel of writing something down, plus it'll stop me getting distracted by facebook & twitter-which inevitably happens as soon as I go online or turn my phone on!

Does anyone else use a filofax? What's the nicest/most fashionable one you've seen? I have my eye on the black patent leather one (picture below)...very chic.

Rachel xxx

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Conference Abstracts

It's that time of year again when abstract deadlines are approaching. Writing abstracts is quite tricky, it can be hard to get your point across, especially when there's a crazy limit of something like 250 words. The most important advice I was given is to know your audience. Depending on who will be reading or assessing the abstract will define the structure and tone of it. For example, if it's a medical conference, then you should discuss the translational significance of your findings in the conclusions section. If it's a more basic science audience, then detailed methods, statistical analyses and definitive scientific conclusions are vital.
Most abstract submission guidelines advise breaking the main body of text into several sections; usually introduction, methods, results and conclusions. Each of these parts is just as important as the next, concise sentences describing exactly what you did, why you did it, and what the results mean are the basic requirements for a good abstract. Get another PhD student to read through it to make sure it flows before sending to your boss for correction. And don't be disheartened if they change or re-organise most of it, abstract writing is an art that comes with time and practice.
Conferences are fantastic for networking, appreciating the field you're woring in, and also to remind you that there's life in a science career outside of the lab/bench (which is extremely important when those experiments aren't working)! I've been so fortunate to travel to some amazing places over the past few years thanks to accepted abstracts and posters/presentations, it makes slaving away at all hours over a tube, dish or apparatus seem worthwhile.

Rachel xxx